Services November 2024

2nd November All Souls

9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion

11.00 Halling Holy Communion

Romans 5 vv 1-11 p1132

John 6 vv 37-40 p1070

3rd November

4th Sunday Before Advent

Trinity 23

Blythswood Sunday. Please bring filled shoe boxes.*.

9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion

11.00 Halling Holy Communion

Deuteronomy 6 vv 1-9 p185

Hebrews 9 vv 11-14 p1207

Mark 12 vv 28-34 p1018

10th November

3rd Sunday Before Advent

Trinity 24

Remembrance Sunday

9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion & Act of Remembrance

10.50 Halling Holy Communion & Act of Remembrance

Jonah 3 vv 1-10 p928

Hebrews 9 vv 23-28 p1207

Mark 1 vv 14-20 p1002

17th November

2nd Sunday Before Advent

Trinity (Collect Epiphany 5)

Safeguarding Sunday

9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion

11.00 Halling Holy Communion

Daniel 12 vv 1-3 p898

Hebrew 10 vv 11-18 p1208

Mark 13 vv 1-8 p1019

24th November

Christ the King

Last Sunday After Trinity

Roger’s last sung service at Halling.

9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion

11.00 Halling Holy Communion

Daniel 7 vv 1-14 p892

Revelation 1 vv 1-8 p1133

John 18 vv 33-37 p1087

30th November St Andrew

Roger’s Last Service in the parish followed by reception in church hall.

11.00 Cuxton Holy Communion

Romans 10 vv 9-21 p1137 Matthew 4 vv 18-22 p968

1st December

Advent Sunday

Gift Services

Year C

9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion

11.00 Halling Holy Communion

Jeremiah 33 vv 14-16 p796

I Thessalonians 3 vv 9-13 p1187

Luke 21 vv 25-36 p1057

Holy Communion Cuxton Wednesdays 9.30

Holy Communion Halling Thursdays 9.30

6th November

Ephesians 3 vv 1-12

Luke 12 vv 39-48

7th November

Ephesians 3 vv 14-21

Luke 12 vv 49-53

13th  November

Ephesians 6 vv 1-9

Luke 13 vv 22-30

14th November

Ephesians 6 vv 10-20

Luke 13 vv 31-35

20th November

Philippians 2 vv 12-18

Luke 14 vv 25-33

21st November

Philippians 3 vv 3-8

Luke 15 vv 1-10

27th November

Revelation 15 vv 1-4

Luke 21 vv 12-19

28th November

Roger’s last service at Halling.

Revelation 19 vv 1-9

Luke 21 vv 20-28

Holy Communion Services December 2024

1st December

Advent Sunday

Gift Services

Year C


9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion

11.00 Halling Holy Communion

Jeremiah 33 vv 14-16 p796

I Thessalonians 3 vv 9-13 p1187

Luke 21 vv 25-36 p1057

8th December

Advent 2

9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion

11.00 Halling Holy Communion

Malachi 3 vv 1-4 p961

Philippians 1 vv 1-11 p1178

Luke 3 vv 1-6 p1029


15th December

Advent 3

9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion

11.00 Halling Holy Communion

Zephaniah 3 vv 14-20 p947

Philippians 4 vv 4-7 p1181

Luke 3 vv 7-18 p1029

22nd December

Advent 4

9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion

11.00 Halling Holy Communion

Micah 5 vv 2-5a p933

Hebrews 10 vv 5-10 p1207

Luke 1 vv 30-45 p1026

25th December Christmas Day


8.00 Halling Holy Communion

9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion

Hebrews 1 vv 1-12 p1201

John 1 vv 1-14 p1063

29th December

Christmas 1

9.30 Cuxton Holy Communion

11.00 Halling Holy Communion

I Samuel 2 vv 18-26 p273

Colossians 3 vv 12-17 p1184

Luke 2 vv 41-52 p1029


Christmas Services at St Michael’s

Monday 16th December                       7.00 Scout & Guide Carol Service                                                           


Sunday 22nd December                       9.30 Holy Communion (Advent 4)

                                                              6.30 pm Nine Lessons & Carols                                                            


Christmas Eve                                        5.00 Crib & Christingle Service                                                             


ChristmasDay                                               9.30 Holy Communion


Sunday 29th December                      9.30 Holy Communion (Christmas 1)


                                                                 Cuxton Community Church

Sunday 22nd December             10.30 Christmas Service with Holy Communion                       (no service 25th)

                                                                 (followed by refreshments)


                                                              Christmas Services at St John’s

Sunday 22nd December                      11.00 Holy Communion (Advent 4)

                                              3.00 Carols, Christingle & Impromptu Nativity Play


Christmas Day                                           8.00 am Holy Communion


Sunday 29th December                     11.00 Holy Communion (Christmas 1)



There will continue to be Holy Communion at 9.30 am at St Michael’s on Wednesdays followed by coffee in the chuch hall.  The Thursday Communion at St John’s will cease for the foreseeable future.

The Rev. Roger Knight, The Rectory, Rochester Road, Cuxton , ME2 1AF, Tel. (01634) 717134 email.

The rector reluctantly retires on 30th November.  After that please refer to churchwardens for any church business.

Parish Safeguarding Officer: Laura MacDonald, 97, Pilgrims Road, North Halling, 01634  245926

Church Hall Hire: cuxtonchurchhall@gmail.c om.

Churchwarden initial contact details: Cuxton Joyce Haselden 01634 724634,Halling Chris Beaney 01634 241599